Pioneers In Creating Opportunities
Expertise in Oilfield Technology & Service
PICO Technologies (PT) is a member of PICO Energy Group. PT has established Gas Compression business in the united states to serve high profile E&P clients across the globe in the Middle East; Latin America market. PT has the equipment, technology that meets the American Petroleum Institute (API) standards as well as the experienced personal; thus allowing the company to provide a high quality service in a safe environment with the most competitive price and delivery time to gain a remarkable U.S. market share.
PT provides our clients with our packaging process that allows the customer to be fully involved and catered from the proposal till the commisioning process. As the single-contact source, PT works as the focal point with the engineering team, manufacturer, and service provider through the entire life of the compressor.
Custom and innovative packaging designs delivering the best overall performance and the best delivery time separates PT from the competition.
Such Sucess is divided into the following steps..
Patent application title: Telemetry Method and System for Well Logging
Assignees: PICO Technologies LLC
USPC Class: US 13/267,313
Publication date: Apr 11, 2013
Patent application number: US20130088363 A1
Patent application title: Electronics for a thin bed array Induction logging system
Assignees: PICO Technologies LLC
USPC Class: US 13/546,771
Filed date: July 11, 2012
Patent application number: US20140015530 A1
Patent application title: Electronics for a thin bed array Induction logging system
Assignees: PICO Technologies LLC
USPC Class: US 14/493,965
Pub. date: Jan 8, 2015
Patent application number: US2015008928 A1
PICO is a Leading Group of Companies Operating in Diverse Sectors. PICO Group is a collection of fully independent...